Thursday, February 11, 2010

Learn to Keep Your Mouth Shut, Cassandra

Oh, sorry about the delay.

Tomorrow is my good friend Adam's 28th birthday and I'm expected at the slumber party. Yes, my 28 year old geezer friend is having a slumber party. I'm bringing the cake and the damn dip. This will go one of two ways. We'll watch movies and yell, "HAIL SATAN!" every so often while rolling around in a fit of icing delight. Or, we'll just run around & dance in our pajamas, drunk, still yelling, "HAIL SATAN!" every so often. I have marvelous friends.

Tonight I plan on watching Troubled Water for a second time with John in hopes that he cries as much as I did the first time. Which was to an embarrassing degree.

Lauren and I are all set for Montana this upcoming summer: July 1st to August 25th. The dates don't stretch nearly as long as my last summer in Michigan, which I believe to be better. I started to grow anxious and ready for home whereas with this I doubt I'll be ready to say goodbye. We're working as waitresses in the Glacier National Park's Italian diner called Jammer Joe's. We're also planning on some music festival. Currently in the running: Bonnaroo, Pickathon, or Capitol Hill Block Party.

I am officially a classical civilization major and THOROUGHLY ENJOYING THE HELL OUT OF IT. I finally found a little niche for me in this collegiate endeavor. My sinfully attractive ancient civilization professor helped me work out the degree audit and it seems I'm right on track for the same time of graduation. Now, I'm signed up for classes like "Palaces of the Bronze Age" and "Sex and Gender in Antiquity." Fun FUN Fun!

Classes right now are great as well. However, I had a critique that ended up downhill in Drawing last class. I should learn when to be quiet and when to speak up. More of the former. Otherwise, Wednesday nights in Creation Stories is always a blast. A very religious class where Lauren and I pose as lesbian satanists, OH YEA.

Nothing for Valentine's day because other than Christmas and Sweetest Day it is the most consumerist, by far. I'd like to be appreciated everyday by my loved one and not have to designate special occasions for nice dates and sex. So, John and I have created the possibility of going to dinner anyway and suddenly breaking out in a rehearsed screaming argument where I eventually exclaim that I'm keeping the cat and proceeding to storm out.

John's mother hates me but he seems to think it is a good thing. He doesn't want us to be anything alike. Oh, parental complexes.

There have been a myriad of new faces joining the Loft D company lately. Lots of personalities stewing. It's similar to a play. Hopefully, not a tragedy. I'm going to sit back and be entertained.

Listening to Cotton Jones- Paranoid Cocoon
Reading The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare
Eating peasant soup (by Lauren) and tortilla chips
Preparing for the icy trek up Clifton hill towards iZen