Saturday, September 12, 2009

They Build Buildings So Tall These Days

In Chicago
Watching World's Strictest Parents
Listening to Regina Spektor
Eating Raspberry White Chocolate Truffle Haagen Daaz Ice Cream

Left on the megabus yesterday for Chicago. Kate and I caught up and she took me a great little breakfast/coffee place called Pick Me Up. It reminded me a lot of my summer job at Cuppa Joe. Can't say I miss the place too much but boy, oh, boy that food is fantastic. The cuppa coffee was great too, and being the coffee snob I am, that's saying a lot. I needed it after the bus ride because, unfortunately, I forgot my lunch and my earbuds. So, I sat there for 6 hours playing sudoku and getting hungrier every minute. Then the chicago skyway traffic was miserable and resulted in horrid motion sickness.

Had a girl's night at Emily's apartment with Kate's new Columbia friends, Heidi and Telly. They are the most adorable lesbian could just eat em. Heidi talked to me about some relationship issues I am having, and the other girls piped up too. Talking to them made me feel a ton better but they weren't necessarily telling me anything I didn't already know. This guy is great and I have much in common with him but I don't believe the spark is there. For me, anyway. The hard part is he already thinks I'm the one and tells me he loves me more than a few times a day. I may give it another month and just tell him how I feel.

As for the new apartment, aside from the ghetto shower, it's great. Still pretty empty but Lauren will be moving in soon. I talked to her about getting a pot belly pig. She was all for it which makes her that much cooler. I found an adorable little black pig named Bella on craigslist. Now all I have to do is get an ok from gaslight properties. I've wanted one for so long I can't believe it could actually be happening.

Regina Spektor concert tonight! I can't express my excitement over a blog so i won't try.


achilles3 said...

Good to see you blogin again.
It's gooooooood for ya.
And I love to read your tone.
Good luck

Anonymous said...

I also love reading what you write. Keep at it.