Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Price Yeah!

In Design class making a praying mantis on Illustrator
Listening to Grizzly Bear: Veckatimest
Exhausted! from little sleep and a fantastic night of dancing at Golden Lion with John.
Starving! because Lauren and I have no food (or money). surviving on tangerines.

Oddly enough, my next Methods and Concepts class project calls for a dream. The professor asked us to use one sentence describing the dream and look up the first page of images for each word on google search.
"A black man in suspenders tells me I'm thoughtfully disturbed."
Then we use that collection of [10] images and mesh them together to form a new figure. Much like the work of Ryan McGinness. I was proud to say that I knew of him before the class. Had a showing at the Cincinnati Art Museum last fall.

I don't know how I'm going to finish art school. It's not that I don't have the motivation to produce art. I just have an issue with the art I'm being asked to produce. I have a problem with my art history professor's ignorance. I'm doing better in my required English and Philosophy through Movies courses. I feel restrained and exhausted because of it. I wish I could explore this on my own but I am not proud enough deny that I need some sort of guidance.

Aside from this frustration this is becoming the best year of my life. I have never been this happy with every facet of my life.


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