Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Have Mercy, Loretta!

Finally! Another post!

I think I might have a direction for this blog, at last, at last.

I've been baking quite a bit lately and I'd like to review the recipes. I'm not great at writing about anything else mostly because I'm cynical as sin. Write about what you know, right? Sure. I know baking enough to where I can comment on recipes and give hints and hype myself up for culinary school next year. (which I've definitely settled on. I'm telling my family that I'm still considering DAAP but that's just for peace sake.)

What I've baked this holiday season thus far:
Sour Cream Chocolate Cake Cookies
Bad Reputation Blondies
Chocolate Oatmeal Drops (so easy and DANK)

I have been a real scrooge this season. I've recently become obsessed with recognizing how mindless society is because of corporate America and the government (which go hand in hand). I keep seeing correlations between the Christmas holiday and their control over us. It's incredible how petty it all seems to be but this is when everyone is the most stressed. People get themselves in tizzies over trees, lights, parties, cards, gifts, and traditions. I hate Christmas lights. I hate Christmas cards. I hate Christmas music. I'd much rather celebrate making it through another year by just being around the people I love without having to think about all those disposable things. We do the same thing every single year and for what reason? To celebrate a nonexistent god that strikes fear in the majority of America with pagan-rooted traditions? It's not that I like being all humbug and whatnot...I just don't agree with this nutty glorification. Why is Christmas the only holiday with music specifically for it? Because this is the one where we are made to spend the most money so they must glamorize it as much as possible. Bugger.

My dad also becomes his worst around this time. Maybe those are just the Daddy issues talking.

Listening to The Roots: Do You Want More?!!!??!
Reading Fruits- a look at bizarre Japanese street style
Making French Toast and Coffee for John before he heads to work
Cuddling with my kitteh and smothering his majesty with unbearable hugs and kisses
Watched An Unreasonable Man last night: Nader is a pretty cool dude.
Applied for my Montana summer job yesterday! Awaiting that call.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Guest Room

I'm on another blog!

my 2009 music recommendations. check it out.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fraternity Blues

Final Project for Digital Foundations (Self Portrait):
Reading In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
Listening to A Hawk and a Hacksaw
Slowly crawling my way through the last week of class
Feasting upon Edamame (or, you know, just salty soy bean pods)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Consequence of Sounds

Hanging around Katydid's apartment in Chicago. This morning we discussed our favorite albums of all time. Tough list. Imma tackle it.

Top Ten (in no particular order because that's too difficult):
1. Regina Spektor: Songs
2. Bob Dylan: Blood on the Tracks
3. Neutral Milk Hotel: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
4. Fleet Foxes: Fleet Foxes
5. Beirut: The Flying Club Cup
6. The Black Keys: The Big Come Up
7. Islands: Return to the Sea
8. The Magnetic Fields: 69 Love Songs
9. Modest Mouse: Building Nothing Out of Something
10. St. Vincent: Actor

I feel like half of this could change in a year or so. People change though, it's inevitable. Currently, however, this is it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tim, I Wish You Were Born a Girl

A few things you'll find in my notebook:

1947. 273 Female Servant of Offering Bearer
Middle Kingdom, late Dynasty 11 or early Dynasty 12
2050-1900 B.C., wood with painted decoration

"on the patio."

a drawing of a mermaid.

To Do:
read for English and blog
philosophy paper
philosophy online quiz
Design & print

Brainstorming for Philosophy paper:
The Treasure of Sierra Madre
Nature of Man
Howard, Fred Dobbs, Curtin

Brainstorming for PostSecret:
I can't believe I missed out on that threesome!
I miss making out with girls.
I know he'll leave. This is my preparation.

mustache- party, self adhesive, Mark and analyzation, silhouette, Kara Walker, becoming my father
potato- tattoo, carving

November 2, 2009, 10:53 AM
Dear Jasper,
I am writing things I've been thinking but cannot say to anyone.
We've been here before, we'll be here again. I know what we should be but it is unlike the lifestyle we both lead. We are both travelers with opposing paths. I could handle it because my trust in him is unbearable. I have never written this way before because I've never felt this before. And so young. We found each other early. I am not fond of the concept of fate but how can it be so otherwise? How did all of this just fall in my lap? Had I never dated JR I would not have transferred to UC. Had I not transferred I would have never met Jake. I wouldn't have met Lauren. We'd never get the apartment. What if we'd signed the lease the first day and ended up on the first floor? It would never be leased to someone else in that 24 hours and we would have never seen Loft D. And I would have never met John. Then what if I never posted on craigslist? What if Miles went away like he planned and never told me about John? What if I had never decided on contacting him again?
And what, then, when he leaves?
I will have to let him go as I'd want him to let me if I were the one leaving.

This week: Tues 6:30-10:30, Thurs 7:30-10:30

"I'll play a tune for thee and you'll do the same for me. Let's be the needle on each other's vinyl, the laser on our hard discs."

"within 20 seconds she tore up that corner, throwing around the wooden and metal stools like, 'Gotta get this pwrpnt going NOW!' she even threw her scarf over her shoulder 'defiantly' as if she meant business."

Brainstorming for Unhealthy Obsession project:
-illegal music downloading
-collecting for collage

Monday, November 16, 2009

Am I Dimmer Every Day?

A few things:

1. I am 20 years old today. Life goes on.

2. This past Saturday night changed my life. I experimented with perception again. John read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest to my while I painted an egg carton. It was one of the happiest moments of my life and I realized I'd like many more like them.

3. I severely dislike football and most sports in general. I cant stand how mindless society can be. I understand the sense of community but I wish we'd all gather around something more substantial.

4. The world is a very large place and I am not a very big person. I hope I can explore it and take care of it and express my appreciation for it somehow, someday.

5. One day, I want to sell all my materials and condense my belongings to a medium-sized backpack.

6. Psychological egoism or something like it seems most likely real.

7. He's got eyes like Oklahoma.

8. Imagine a bakery that uses ingredients from an organic farm owned by the same person!

9. Coffee will never be out of style.

10. I am beginning to recognize books and movies as incomparable entities. Each are their own art form. Thus, the phrase, "I like the book better." seems silly to me.

Thanks for listening.

Listening to Bishop Allen
Sitting in the DAAP cafe, as usual
Anticipating Burger Madness with John this evening
Reading Wiki articles on bands and whatnot

Thursday, November 12, 2009

When You're Loved Like You Are: Spike the Senses, Disconnect the Dots, and Climb the Ladder

This Monday a few things will occur. At 1:17 pm on this monday, November 16th, I will turn the age of twenty. No longer a teenager yet confused to all hell like one. I will also be displaying the fourth project of my Methods & Concepts class at the Contemporary Art Center in downtown Cincinnati. It was a group work that I will not attempt to explain other than it had to be a response piece to the contemporary artist currently showing there, Anri Sala. Our project involves an eight-minute video that will loop on five screens in rounds for two hours.

here is the video: Love & Communication.

This past weekend was one of the best in my life thus far. I experimented with the depths of my perception on Friday with Lauren. The large walk in "closet" in our apartment contained stacks of cardboard boxes thrown in there after we moved in. Each and everyone ended up covered in paint. My abstract eye took over, my appreciation for line weight and color has never been so immense, and i made prints with orange halves like a kindergartner. It was magnificent! I don't think I have been that creatively liberated or productive in my entire life!

"But what if one of these days your heart just stops ticking and they sorta don't find you til' your cubicle is reeking?"

On Saturday John and I went to the middle of no where in a park in Kentucky and set up camp in the woods. We built a campfire together and crammed our bodies together in the smallest tent known to man for warmth. Sunday, we woke up and did yoga on flat rocks in a creek nearby, then went hiking back to civilization. Afterwards we made it back just in time for our coed soccer team's (the obsequious sycophants) first match. We lost, miserably, but it was great exercise and tons of fun.

"The world that has made us can no longer contain us and profits are silent then rotting away."

John and I had grown up talk next to the campfire and on the rocks just before yoga. I have concluded that I do not want to finish art school. In just the first quarter I have watched many creative souls be crushed and squashed and become humiliated and debilitated. I have watched art being butchered. It is not a very practical degree in the first place and I do not feel I need the schooling to develop myself as an artist. Instead, I would like to go to school for something that will require training and be somewhat of a challenge rather than somewhat of a clusterfuck. I'll finish out the year but by next fall I hope to be attending Cincinnati State for the culinary institute, specifically the pastry arts. I'm gonna get a degree in baking, gosh dern it.

"Imagine you go away on a business trip one day. When you come back home your children have grown and you never made your wife moan."

I simply want a degree as soon as possible so I can get out of this city and start venturing around this beautiful country, and possibly some other parts of the world. I dream of organic farms in Arizona and Alaska. I also dream of more schooling later on, around the age of 24, when I have become an independent so I can receive a full ride to Marharishi Univeristy of Management in Iowa. There, I hope to study for a bachelor's degree in sustainable living. and study abroad!

"And everything is plastic. And everyone's sarcastic. And all your food is frozen and needs to be defrosted."

I may not be getting much from my books and power point lectures but I am certainly learning about myself this year. I have never felt so in tune to my passions and desires. I have never been so at peace with who I am and what I am growing in to. Simply put, I have never been so happy.

Reading The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Listening to Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust by Sigur Rós
Munching on a banana
Snuggling with Mr. Morris

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Ancient Common Sense of Things

Listening to Return to the Sea by Islands
Studying for an Art History Midterm
and simultaneously dancing around the apartment in my underwear and ninja turtles t-shirt talking to Mr. Morris about "corbaling" and "black-figure" and Phidias.
drinking lots of coffee and eating a fried egg.
excited for friday night and camping tomorrow with John
in love with this motherfucking world!
downloading illegally songs that have the word, "willow", in them for a 'willow' themed mix
worried about my BFFF because she caught the H1N1
sweeping up cat litter and dust bunnies and beads and feathers (from the peacock costume this halloween)
still in my underwear
on a bra boycott
danced at Baba Budan's yesterday evening, just John and I on the dance floor in front of a lot of black guys. Thought it was dance night but turned out to be open mic, which is a freestyle free for all, we got up and danced all alone and let them judge us and didn't care and I twirled around and shook my hips in a little black dress. silly white couple.
can't stand school but can't live without it. keeps me going.
considering the Social Contract and what makes a 'good' ruler and if the masses are fit to pick that ruler
concerts coming up:
bishop allen NOV 17 and The Pixies with BFFF NOV 20
designing a 'self portrait' compiled with references to my favorite webcomics, japanese artists, cartoons, and children's book.
Things on my fridge spelled with old-school letter magnets:
non ascoltate
daijoupu desune
it is time
pensez en francais pour toujours
so tired of baths. need to get that fucking shower head fixed.
jimmy. daniel. rebekah. mariam. brittany. jenn. new friends.
celebrating the election. levy for issue 7 passed! libraries still in tact!
WHY would we get rid of libraries? why is it when cuts need to be knowledge and arts are always first to go? people don't realize how important the arts are. Can you imagine a world without artists? No one to design your clothes, your furniture, your house, your books, your advertisement, your stores, your internet!
no music.
a free access to knowledge. a whole beautiful edifice filled wall to wall with shelves of thoughts and facts and information and poetry and illustrations to help you understand.
why would we ever want to get rid of that?
you know what is beautiful?
indian restaurants on every corner and the smell of curry to wake you up in the morning.
roads. roads just like rivers.
children in graeter's.
cat hair all over my bed. changing the sheets every few days because of it.
Lauren's record player and Bishop Allen turning on it.
Jake dressed as Max, King of the Wild Things.
Jack Nicholson acting like a crazy person.
the woodwork studio in DAAP.
a just mopped wooden floor reflecting the posters on the wall
torrents and the sharing of music
a postcard from Aunt Joan


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moon, I Already Know and We Squirm and Lost Wisdom and Goodbye Hope

Let me lay it down real smooth for ya:

I hate college. The school part of it. Do I fit a stereotype? Not the one you're thinking of. I do not dislike school because it requires work and dedication and time. I have those things and I am completely willing to give those things to earn a decent education. however,  WTF is my money going to? My art history professor has a degree in fashion design. She got her teaching certificate and graduated from DAAp which is apparently enough to let her teach an art history class. Sense? None. Her knowledge of ancient Etruscan art? Less than mine. I don't expect her to know everything, just more than me. It's frustrating! Plain an simple! 

My other course is Methods & Concepts in which my professor is a crazy perfectionist who only gives a certain amount of A's each quarter, meaning 3. I can already tell you now I am not one of her A students this quarter. I will most likely be a B. I can't stand this because she constantly claims that nothing an artist can ever do will be good enough. I'm not kidding. She has said this, on numerous occasions, "Your final should never be final. You can always make it better. You have to recognize that it is never good enough so you are always hungry for being better." I do SEE exactly where she is coming from but sometimes I want to be proud of my work. I want to stand back and admire the things I have done. She also has a tendency to contradict herself by instructing us to always exceed the lines of the box but anytime I have done this or witnessed another student doing this she seems very close-minded. I realized that she wants us to exceed the lines of HER box and she has trouble accepting the boxes of others.

Finally, there is design class. I have spent so much time on the most worthless projects I can't even express how awful it feels. First, I designed a whisk on illustrator. Next, I designed a praying mantis on illustrator. Now, I am working making a collage that creates a sort of self-portrait...on illustrator. Well, first and foremost, I am SICK of illustrator. I can use the goddamned pen tool! And, what's worse, I really did not need a paid "professional" to "show" me how. It is pretty self explanatory. Pick up a book and teach yourself. I can assure it isn't difficult at all. Everyone treats this class like a joke because it is. I have trouble working hard in classes I don't respect. It's as if...the easier the class is the worse I do. I would not be surprised if I get a C or D in this class and I have not received a grade like that since freshmen year of high school when I was an angsty punk (yuck).

I hate art school. I can't believe it. But I hate it. All i want to do is finish up this degree and GTFO. I pretty much know what I want to do from here and college sure as hell isn't helping me with it. I sigh because I feel like I can do nothing else. I sigh and I sigh and I know what is coming.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Her Freezings and Thawings

I brainstormed my favorite artists the other day with my grandmother. I had to condense it to 25 otherwise it would grow too long to be a respectable list. Here they are:

Yoshitomo Nara: fantastic painting AND sculpture
Chuck Close: a concept of color very few could ever comprehend
Cy Twombly: layers and emotion and the monumental size of the work, this man makes me wonder why one would ever work small.
David Hockney: surrealism doesn't get much better
Jean-Michel Basquiat: and his first art teacher said he'd never amount to anything...
Marc Chagall: goats and roosters, that's all I've gotta say.
Edward Gorey: the gashlycrumb tinies, the doubtful guest, and Old possum's book of practical cats? Read me a bedtime story and make it Gorey!
Rene Engstrom: best webcomic out there, for story and artwork the old-fashion way-w/o a computer!
Henri Toulouse-Lautrec: always ambiguously beautiful
Lynda Barry: best damn graphic novels out there, impeccable collage work 
Miranda July: This lady does it all. direction, acting, music, archiving, performance art, screenwriting, and fiction writing. she's also in a badass Blonde Redhead video. And directed a badass Sleater-Kinney Video.
Travis Lampe: takes a collection of styles and makes his own goddamn style. and he's got the greatest sense of humor i've ever seen in an artist. Now that's class.
Gregory Crewdson-The most eerie, bone-chilling, goosebump-inducing photographs out there. This man treats his photos like a movie set, no kidding. The amount of work for ONE PHOTO is incredible.
Paul Klee: i'm addicted to color and shape juxtaposition. what can I say?
Wassily Kandinsky: this man knows his shapes.
Joan Miro: I don't have words for this one. My biggest inspiration for the type of work I do.
Saul Steinberg: he's not a cover illustrator for The New Yorker for nothing.
Gary Baseman: fantastically creepy.
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: nature and space and color and...oh my.
Satoshi Kon: i don't think any animator can top this guy. HE DRAWS IT ALL HIMSELF.
Hayao Miyasaki: this should be the new fucking disney/pixar.
Takashi Murukami: I simply wish I could live in this guy's head for a day. Does everyone look like an adorably colorful bear thing to him? Do flowers really grin in his world? Is that what an orgasm is like for him? If yes to all of the above, sign me up.
Robert Rauschenberg: collage work with transparency! Just too clever.
Vincent Van Gogh: detail was this crazy man's middle name. here's my favorite and it hangs in Cincinnati's own art museum!
Gustav Klimt: this hangs in my apartment and I'd get it tattooed to my body. nuff said.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So Long Old Bean

Yesterday when I arrived home Lauren was being visited by her friend Ethan. Now, Ethan is a great guy. He is laid back, mildly funny, and intelligent. However, Ethan is also studying to be the bastard who splices the fuck out of natural foods to ensure "the end to world hunger" and miracle-cure-super-foods for disease and hunger-ridden countries. This is more or less how he presented his major to me. he even used the word 'organic.' OH, brother...

It took a great deal of energy to NOT beat him down with an ear of corn. Lucky for him I have no corn and I used all my potatoes for pumpkin/potato carving the other night. (no money for pumpkins? use your resources! they were starting to sprout growths anyway...) How do you politely tell someone they are part of increased risk of cancer/food allergies, mass monopolization, and a destroyer of all that is naturally good? You don't, basically.

Ironically, I just wrote an informative essay about the dangers of biotechnology and genetically engineered foods for English.

He could tell I was upset so proceeded justify it. Which was pointless because there is no way I'll ever change my mind about this one. I listened anyway. He told me that he has nothing to do with companies like Monsanto. All he would do is create the super foods and distribute them. What the company does with them is none of his concern. Although, it should be! He is only part of the problem. Perhaps these foods could work. Perhaps. But only if the companies had required disclaimers of potential lethal food allergies, were prohibited from patenting them as if they are machines, would actually use the food to serve third world countries rather than burn it for American fuel, etc. etc.

Oh, how infuriating. 
Please, people, try to buy as organically as possible. Buy locally. Buy in season. Don't eat so much meat. Don't drink soda. Steer away from fast food chains. Recycle.

reading The Corporation by Joel Bakan
eating a chicken salad panini and an apple
listening to Devendra Banhart

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Smelling Cigarettes or Rub-Alcohol Blues

I'm a copycat too. I think I'll just type the random thoughts that come to mind within the next hour while I work on my Digital Foundations project.

In Rohs Street cafe with a bottomless mug of black coffee.
Reading Maus I.
Hanging out with Brittany tonight, hopefully coaxing her into going to Jake's for a glass of wine with Lauren and Henry.
Listening to Roxy Music; Flesh + Blood.

Goddamn Illustrator! Forbidden tools for no apparent reason. Always guessing. I want a tangible canvas and a paintbrush.

I've encountered quite a few friendly workers today. At Panera I told the cashier my name is Bernadette (the name of the small nappy dog that the neighbor living below us squeals about 73 times a day) and he just smirked and went along with it. 
At Urban Outfitters the cashier was a skinny hipster boy in big glasses and flannel who discussed the unfortunate swift change in temperature. I hate weather talk but for some reason he made it pleasant. Possibly because of his statement, "I went outside for a smoke break and realized how nippy it is which tripped me out a bit."
Here, at the coffee shop (the best in Clifton next to Brutopia) the barista just started chatting with me about my homework and how tedious it is to make shapes on a computer screen.
"It's tedious to pay such close attention to coffee beans too. i suppose you just require a passion for whatever tedious work you're doing."

I think I have the best seat in the coffee shop. Right next to a couple large windows looking out on an old building and the beautiful autumn sky. The clouds are moving fast. The table I'm using is embellished with some snazzy cartooning about how even superheroes need coffee.

and, of course, the praying mantis has the most complicated shapes I could have chosen for a design project. I thought I'd face my fears! I hate those creepy alien bugs.

I think the book exchange coffee shops set up are very cool. Bring in an old book in exchange for one on the shelf. I like the idea of becoming the owner of a book that has traveled far. Or the idea of someone holding a book that was once mine and wondering where it will end up.

The tree outside our apartment has been completely annihilated. There are construction workers bulldozing the area and flattening out a mound of mud where the tree stood before. We turned in a majestic tree for a pile of wet dirt. The neighbors and I guess it'll become a parking lot around the building. These are the instances when I can't stand cities.

Things in fashion I loathe right now:
graphic tees. (just what's being done with them. Ironic Jay-Z shirts and "go green" shirts with cute pandas and polar bears and seals on them when the girl sporting it probably doesn't know what a recycling bin looks like are beginning to upset me.)
hoodies. (i will ALWAYS hate hoodies.)
big glasses, especially fake ones.
peacock feathers. (this was cool at first. but it's overdone now.)
faux Native American anything.
cut-off sleeves. (stop it.)
cigarettes and PBR. (every hipsters got em! You should too!)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Price Yeah!

In Design class making a praying mantis on Illustrator
Listening to Grizzly Bear: Veckatimest
Exhausted! from little sleep and a fantastic night of dancing at Golden Lion with John.
Starving! because Lauren and I have no food (or money). surviving on tangerines.

Oddly enough, my next Methods and Concepts class project calls for a dream. The professor asked us to use one sentence describing the dream and look up the first page of images for each word on google search.
"A black man in suspenders tells me I'm thoughtfully disturbed."
Then we use that collection of [10] images and mesh them together to form a new figure. Much like the work of Ryan McGinness. I was proud to say that I knew of him before the class. Had a showing at the Cincinnati Art Museum last fall.

I don't know how I'm going to finish art school. It's not that I don't have the motivation to produce art. I just have an issue with the art I'm being asked to produce. I have a problem with my art history professor's ignorance. I'm doing better in my required English and Philosophy through Movies courses. I feel restrained and exhausted because of it. I wish I could explore this on my own but I am not proud enough deny that I need some sort of guidance.

Aside from this frustration this is becoming the best year of my life. I have never been this happy with every facet of my life.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Half a Canyon

Listening to Best of Regina Mix made for John who as fallen asleep next to me.

My neighbor Adam told me his greatest regret from college was not doing more of what he wanted to do. I think I wasted most of my first year living a life I didn't want to live. Of course, it was secure and that's what drives much of our actions, I believe. Yet, my uncle says that people will always do what they want whether they know it or not. I'm not sure if that is completely true. I know it's true for many when it comes to asking for advice. I think people ask for assurance and when they don't hear what they want they disregard it. I want to stop doing that. I want to take into account the advice I ask for especially when it doesn't match what I was hoping for. Had I listened to my friend's and mother's advice early on when it came to past relationships I could have skipped a lot of stress and frustration. However, had I never experienced those relationships I'd never be who I am now.

I had an odd dream the other night.
I started school at OU. All the buildings were far apart so the walks were long but set in a permanent fall sunset which was far more enjoyable rather than annoying. All of my friends from Loveland were enrolled too and at first everything seemed alright. I began to wander around on my own though and found myself in an empty building. I explored the vacant rooms until I came across one with a skinny, white Irish man in it. He was sarcastic about everything. he seemed annoyed that I could understand his accent as this was how he liked to fuck with people most of the time. I told him I was used to it because of my father's drunken Irish banter. He said, "You're an odd cookie." He smirked and then walked towards the door never taking his eyes off of me. He exited and told me to follow. I hesitated but he was the most interesting person I had met thus far so I did as he asked. Around the corner I ran into the chest of a muscular stern black man with glasses and suspenders.
"Cassandra," his voice was so low! "What am I going to do with you?"
"I don't...know? I don't even know you!"
"Oh, you will. You and I are going to become very close whether you like it or not."
"Ooooh Kaaay buddy, I think I'll head out now. Class is about to begin and I've already missed breakfast."
"Ah, no. Come with me. In to my office."
"I'd ask where your office is but I'm not coming so I won't bother."
"If you don't come willingly you will be forced to, so don't make it harder than it has to be."
"What? You can't make me do anything I don't want to do."
In comes the Irish guy, throws me over his shoulder and takes me to a HUGE open room: high ceilings, wide windows, and a single desk and chair in the center. The black man is already there, waiting.
"Cassandra," he begins again, "You are among the thoughtfully disturbed. We won't tolerate this behavior. It must change. Don't worry. There are many like you can we can help. Just let us in."
"ah...what did you say? "thoughtfully disturbed?" Oh brother. Listen, I won't go wandering on my own again into forbidden parts of campus if that's what this is about."
"Cassandra, this would have happened no matter what. No matter where you wandered. We always find you because you always come. The thoughtfully disturbed cannot resist curiosity."

"We'll 'ake good caer ov ya dumplin'!" exclaims Jasper.

I giggle.

"Alright. Let's say i play along. What happens?"

I am transported to a very open, beautiful orange room. The bed is orange. The curtains are orange. The rug, the walls, the desk and chair. Then I notice the HUGE orange bookcase. My own fucking library! I walk over and an orange note suddenly appears in front of my face before I can reach for a book. It reads:
You no longer need to attend class. A mind like yours needs to be fed its own desires. It requires more complex stimulation. Please use the library provided. Read as much as you like, whenever you like, whatever you like and request more using the applications in the box on your desk. We hope this will help in your recovery.
Dr. B and Jasper

So, I do what they tell me to. I read. I read and drink my endless supply of juiceboxes.

Eventually I am allowed a night out. I am introduced to the other "thoughtfully disturbed." This group includes Lauren, Jake, Henry, John, and Adam. We embrace each other. We decide we like being thoughtfully disturbed and would never want to be any other way. We are all in love with each other. We discuss what we've been reading and play "stimulating" games and dance.

Later I am allowed another night pass. I decide to visit my old Loveland friends. At the party I am bored. i attempt to start conversations about the books I've been reading but they are disinterested. I try to start a dance party but they look at me like I'm a lunatic. I introduce games but they call all of them stupid ideas. Nothing feels right. The thoughtfully disturbed show up and take me away.

I am crying and being held by Lauren and John as we walk back to the mysterious building and my orange room.

"We can't go back, Cass. They'll never accept us now."

I wake up.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just the Same but Brand New

Studying for Art History
Reading Hi Fructose Magazine
Anticipating the Andrew Bird/St. Vincent concert tonight

I have discovered it.

This is what I want to do when I finish art school.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hometown Fantasy

I would just like to recount my evening with John last night:

I was baking cookies when he knocked. I let him in. He apologized for going to the bar with Adam (my good friend next door) before coming over after work like he said he would.
I said, "First off, no where in our conversation did it say you must immediately come to me after work. So don't worry about that. In fact, I'm glad you went and had some good Adam time because he's been needing it lately."
"Ok, good. I'll stop apologizing so much."
"I told Kate today that I love that you don't call me everyday or tell what you're doing every second or have to know what I'm doing every second."
"Well, we have separate lives. It's a partnership, not an interdependency."
I swoon. I kissed him.

Afterwards we laid around on the floor cushions with my iTunes on shuffle.
He said, "It's really awesome just listening to what comes up on your iTunes. You listen to such great music. Music I haven't even heard of! That never happens. You're a pretty hip lady."
I kiss him.

We put on our shoes, take half the cookies to Adam's, then venture out into the rainy, wet streets of Clifton. I told him I had a surprise. We walked to the park on Ohio street that overlooks the city. He had been there before but NOT to the Clifton cliff. Unfortunately, those rat bastard police put a huge NO TRESPASSING sign over the hole in the fence. So we hopped it. Me in a skirt too, how lady like. When he saw it, he responded to it them same way I did when Jake took me to it the night I left JR.
"oh wow! This must be one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen!"
We sat down on my scarf which was futile. We ended up on our backs kissing in the mud, rain pouring on us. The entire city as a backdrop. Cold and wet. We enjoyed the fuck out of it.

Eventually we were both shivering uncontrollably and decided to walk back. We huddled close under the umbrella to keep ourselves warm. On the way some Frat was giving out free pancakes. We each had a couple and moved on.

When we got back we peeled off all of our wet clothing. Both of us drenched. We snuggled into bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.

oh boy, I am one HOPELESS romantic.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

When Girls Get Together or She Believes in Love Again

In TUC (main building on campus) passing time before Phil Thru Movies Class
Reading The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Listening to CocoRosie
Contemplating Utilitarianism

I have been procrastinating at an unacceptable rate these days. Living with Lauren is fantastic but I spend a lot of time sprawled out on our array of floor cushions ranting and bantering. I also smoke much more weed. Instead of doing my short blog entries for English I end up watching the tree outside our living room window (recently stripped to an anorexic size by the bastards of Gaslight Properties) sway in the wind and sunshine while I listen to Tears for Fears or...Tracy Chapman. I get distracted rather easily and when I finally do hunker down in a circle of books I find it unbearably difficult to focus. WHAT is WRONG with me?

John and I have also become "facebook official." I think what I like about him most is that he DOESN'T call me everyday. While we have become attached at a rapid pace we do not act on the attachment. We are taking it slow and I love it. It feels natural and what's even more cliche: it feels special. I have never had such a strong personal chemistry with another person.

Am I revealing too much?

Jake and Henry have become very close too. They visit a few times a week and I go to them when I've got an issue. I haven't had friends like this in a while, except for Kate. I think last year I relied solely on Kate and JR, which turned unfortunate. Kate can't always answer the phone and JR started using my dependency against me. I needed someone within a 30 mile radius who I had no sexual tension towards. 

Lauren and I have received nicknames: Elaine and Scooter. Her close friend from Montana, Curt, visited last night and by the time we all crashed Elaine and Scooter had been born. Scooter is a frail man with a thick mustache and sideburns, often sporting a trucker hat. He is romantically in love with Elaine but sexually lusts after Jake and Henry. 

Curt also suggested I hit the road west with Lauren this upcoming summer. Funny, a few weeks into the quarter and I'm already considering summer. I think it is a grand idea. Leaving the city and being a simpleton in middle of nowhere, beautiful Montana? Absolutely. Where can I sign up?

ah well. Enough about me. How are you?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Let's Build a Fire

So this is the new year.

I feel very different.

I walk down the fire escape and through the back alley to the laundry room in Tudor Court's basement. Four washers and four dryers for the lot of us. I wait.

I eat a banana. I eat a cinnamon raisin english muffin with peanut butter. I drink a glass of water.

I write a short essay about being a "bread-winning woman." I put Bob Dylan on the turntable. I borrowed Bob from Adam, next door. Adam is such a nice guy.

Jake and Henrie come over and we smoke a bowl. Lauren drinks her PBR from a hand-knitted cozy that has a purse strap to hang around her neck. She is cute. She is fun. She is perfect.

We head out to Highlands. The fall evening is chilly. I think about my laundry and my short essay and Kara Walker.

Classes went swimmingly. Mostly art courses. My art history professor thinks lesbians are "just weird." Great. My English teacher has an overwhelming energy about him that I enjoy. Philosophy Through Movies should be simple and fun. I like that it uses the word 'Movies' rather than 'Film'. As if to say, "this is not film school. We will not give you the pleasure of sounding like you are taking some profound class when you are actually taking the easiest philosophy class offered for the required credit."

Mom watches reruns of Roseanne. They got a new puppy named Lucy who looks identical to our last dog, Snoopy. It is eerie. My mother talks about how she thinks Lucy is a reincarnation of Snoopy. That Snoopy sent Lucy. Damn Hippy.

Brittany called Tyler yesterday and scolded him for hanging out with me so much. I would like to be a closer friend to Tyler but those seem like dangerous waters. I don't want to give Brittany any real reasons to be upset with me. Her issues right now are spun from thin air. I like it that way. I wish she would embrace reality sometime, though. Reality can be a good friend.

Dinner with Nanoo this evening. I will dress nice.

Reading Chekhov
Listening to Jesus Loves Me by CocoRosie
Waiting for the mail

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Parades Go By

Started back at work this evening. Nothing has changed there. I still walk home smelling like bulgogi and humming bad Korean pop music to myself.

Classes begin tomorrow and I am on the fence. Part of me is anticipating this busy quarter ahead because the busier I am the more productive I become. Part of me is also sad to bid farewell to this lovely summer. Autumn is my favorite season, though, I find comfort in the suddenly crisp air, the vibrant apples and colors.

It has been a fantastic week reuniting with my friends. The best was Lauren finally moving in. We have decided against a couch. Minimalism is in, right? She's bringing in a big rectangular rug for the floor and we're purchasing a respectable pillow collection to throw around the long white coffee table. It'll be like the inside of a genie's lamp. A pillow palace.

I don't know what to do with boys lately. Each and every single boy in my life has been irking me in ways I've never known before. While my own gender is still a new, mysterious place I am in the process of discovering, the opposite sex will never cease to flabbergast me on a day to day basis. Here is a list of things not to do:

1. Do not pull the pity card. My pity will not make me like you more. In fact, it will make me feel the painstaking opposite. I will not like you. I will think you are pathetic.

2. Do not text me at 3 AM and expect a response with more than one word. I am sleeping, why aren't you?

3. Do not stalk me. I've always considered this a given but apparently some boys never got the memo. If I tell you I have work every night this week it means I am busy and do not have the time to worry about you. Let me get to the weekend and then we can discuss meeting up. This does NOT mean show up to my workplace every night and awkwardly wait for me to pay attention to you.

4. Do not buy me quirky gifts in hopes that this will miraculously make me see that we are clearly soulmates.

5. Do not act so impressed when I catch an obscure reference. 500 Days of Summer has fucked with your poor soul. There are many attractive girls who enjoy the Smiths. This is not a phenomenon. It does not make me perfect nor unique.

6. Do not make me feel bad for choosing a party or a girl's night over you. And then proceed to call me 3 times and text me 20 times throughout the night.

7. Don't call or text me drunk. I do not think it is funny or cute.

8. Listen to me when I speak. But don't pretend like you care when you don't. I don't expect you to care about every thing that comes out of my mouth. I am not interesting enough to talk for 3 hours a night. Not much happened today. And you are not interesting enough either. I don't care very much about what kind of bagel you had for breakfast. Don't rush to the complacent stage. And try to take a hint when I tell you I'm tired.

9. Stop apologizing.

10. Do not tell me you love me. Please, for all that is still good in the world, please do not say those words to me. I won't say them back.

There are more things I could suggest but I feel like it's getting heated in here.

Re-reading Pretty Little Mistakes
Trying to register for one more course
Re-watching Home Movies on Youtube
Listening to Actor by St. Vincent

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Everything You Own in a Box to the Left

Fun Times with the BFFF in Chicago:

Oh sheesh, what a week. And it is only humpday for pete's sake. Did anyone see that movie, btw? Very funny, great dialogue, but terrible ending.

After returning from Chicago I spent some time with my cousin, Andrea, and friend, Brittany. We watched and were appalled by the VMAs. It was nice catching up with Andrea. She's always so easy to talk to because my eccentricity doesn't surprise her anymore. Brittany, while she has come a long way from last year, is unbearably judgmental. I find myself leaving out many details when I explain things to her. It doesn't help that I completely disagree with her lifestyle as well. I see her settling and it turns my stomach. We are very different people that need to find a way to be supportive friends no matter what we choose to do with our lives. I mean, you know, unless we become addicted to cocaine or something.

the boy issue I was having previously has been solved. ish.
I ended up breaking it off completely. I realized I'm still not ready to be with anyone. I have a great deal left to explore. Plus, the school year is beginning and my schedule isn't going to allow me to pay much attention to anything other than school and work. He was heartbroken and continues to send me sullen texts but it's nothing I can't handle.

JR picked up his TV today. Before I met up with him I stood in front of the mirror, smiled, and said, "You look good." Then I said the very same thing to him after we hugged each other. I could tell from his texts he wanted it to be bittersweet. But I didn't allow it. I made him laugh and left us on a good note. That's all i want for him. I see him settling as a miserable way. But I know that he is the type of person who will find happiness in nearly any situation thrown his way.

I did yoga in my empty living room last night.
I've been plugging my tub with a loofa during baths.
I haven't a single dollar in my bank account as I wait for the refund check to arrive.
Despite it all I haven't been this happy in a while. I said hello to everyone I passed on the sidewalk today.

Sitting on two pillows in the center of the living room. Still no couch, just hardwood floors.
-Only place I get full internet service.
Listening to People on American Water by Silver Jews
Looking through newspaper Kroger coupons

Saturday, September 12, 2009

They Build Buildings So Tall These Days

In Chicago
Watching World's Strictest Parents
Listening to Regina Spektor
Eating Raspberry White Chocolate Truffle Haagen Daaz Ice Cream

Left on the megabus yesterday for Chicago. Kate and I caught up and she took me a great little breakfast/coffee place called Pick Me Up. It reminded me a lot of my summer job at Cuppa Joe. Can't say I miss the place too much but boy, oh, boy that food is fantastic. The cuppa coffee was great too, and being the coffee snob I am, that's saying a lot. I needed it after the bus ride because, unfortunately, I forgot my lunch and my earbuds. So, I sat there for 6 hours playing sudoku and getting hungrier every minute. Then the chicago skyway traffic was miserable and resulted in horrid motion sickness.

Had a girl's night at Emily's apartment with Kate's new Columbia friends, Heidi and Telly. They are the most adorable lesbian could just eat em. Heidi talked to me about some relationship issues I am having, and the other girls piped up too. Talking to them made me feel a ton better but they weren't necessarily telling me anything I didn't already know. This guy is great and I have much in common with him but I don't believe the spark is there. For me, anyway. The hard part is he already thinks I'm the one and tells me he loves me more than a few times a day. I may give it another month and just tell him how I feel.

As for the new apartment, aside from the ghetto shower, it's great. Still pretty empty but Lauren will be moving in soon. I talked to her about getting a pot belly pig. She was all for it which makes her that much cooler. I found an adorable little black pig named Bella on craigslist. Now all I have to do is get an ok from gaslight properties. I've wanted one for so long I can't believe it could actually be happening.

Regina Spektor concert tonight! I can't express my excitement over a blog so i won't try.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Your New [Full] Sized Bed

Back in Cincinnati!
Yesterday I spent most of my time hauling boxes of my junk up and down 4 flights of stairs. Needless to say my legs are killing me. Also spent a few hours in the dreaded IKEA. The family seemed dead set on getting me a bed from there. Aunt Joan had never been so we let her run wild. American consumerism never ceases to amaze me. Every pregnant woman from Cincinnati had to be there buying their child the same goddamned crib. Now, i have the same goddamned bed and mattress. It makes me a bit ill.

Opened up the mailbox and found the last tenant's TIME magazine. Jay Leno is on the cover. I prefer Letterman.

Nearly knocked my mother over when she arrived to pick me up.

It's lovely being home. Even though space is cramped here I love sleeping with all the old quilts and watching crime TV with mom. Monday I will go back downtown. Tuesday i will meet Mark, the current love interest whom I only know over phone and facebook. Funny how technology allows for relationships like that these days. I used to mock it but how is it any different from meeting someone in a bar? For some reason I feel as though bar-born relationships are abysmal. I also trust myself enough to meet publicly for that very small chance that he is a forty year old balding man from Kansas.

Sitting on the patio in my plaid jammies, enjoying the Cincinnati warmth.
Listening to Bob Dylan, Together Through Life
Waiting for my glorious, highly anticipated trip to Skyline Chili.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Danny's at the Wedding

Baking Apple Raspberry Pie with Aunt Joan
Listening to The Smiths
Reading a Woman's Day magazine exclusive on Easy Italian Meals
Still in TC with 5 days left until my return home, feeling anxious

Yesterday was my final shift at the Cuppa Joe Warehouse Lounge. I now drink my coffee black and can make an average latte. I'm surprised at how much I have changed in just a summer. Going in I had lists of books and projects which by mid-summer had been neglected. At first I was upset with myself for not having done much with my free-time but I have now come to terms with it. Next summer I think I'll create a simplified set of goals. Why stress myself out with unnecessary things? I should let myself have an open agenda and let whatever happens happens.

I have been invited to wedding being held in the Cincinnati Zoo come october! I have not been to many weddings and I've never been invited as a date. I will not know anyone there but I don't care. All I can hope for is dancing. On that note, I have been thinking about the crazy expenses of weddings. why? I want to use that money for the frickin' sweet honeymoon to Aztec ruins or Rajkovic, Iceland or.... Cape Town, South Africa. Thus, I have developed a plan for the lowest budget wedding should I ever marry:

grow my own sunflowers
make my own goddamned awesome cake
be my own DJ
use someone's backyard on a nice August evening
have the wonderful women in my family cook up the meal
hand everyone a throw away camera and tell them to take pictures then collect them at the end of the night
create and send out invitations

i'm just trying to figure out the dress. Clothes always propose an issue, don't they?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oh, My Pregnant Head

Ok, this time I'll do it. I'll write this blog and I'll keep up with it and maybe I'll even learn to love it. Not that i don't love blogs, because i read quite a few and enjoy them. For some reason, though, I can't seem to get into my own. Who am I writing to? Who is reading my words and actually caring? Maybe that isn't the point. Maybe I should just do it for myself and see what happens.

In Traverse City, Michigan. I miss my family, my friends, my city. I would like to settle into my new apartment and start school now. I am done with my soul search or whatever the hell I was doing this summer. 
Eating a grilled peanut butter jelly sandwich and sipping on hot jasmine green tea.
Listening to Fleet Foxes.
Reading poems by Bukowski.

The other day I was suddenly amazed at the concept of a trail. A hiking/walking/bike trail. Humans have such a drive to conquer everything around them, especially nature. We could walk anywhere we want to, yet we set aside a specific place for it. It's funny that people find comfort in this particular trail, this place, where they walk and spend time. When they think of going for a walk this is the place they think of. It becomes habitual like everything else and we stop exploring all the other places we could be walking. Reading too much into it?

By the way, there is a distinct difference between fruit punch and fruit juice, isn't there? I asked my friend what his favorite juice is and he replied with fruit punch. Jose. You can't squeeze anything and whatever comes out is the punch, you have to add a ton of sugar and what not for it to be a punch. Punch uses fruit juice but that doesn't make it a juice. It is a mixed drink. While juice is....well, juice.